♥ Saturday, October 3, 2009
Jermaine's Album
Manage to capture Jermaine holding the milk bottle for that few secs.

Giving that stone stone look.

Jermaine likes to be on her tummy but she still doesn't know how to flip yet.

Mummy, I got teeth or not? Can count for me?
Jenelle's Album
My messy hair after shower.

Jenelle's 2nd day in School. Wearing the Uniform.

I like to take Jenelle's side view. Love her chubby cheeks.

Daddy, can I have some of your Ribena?

Mummy, I want to sleep.
I want to carry Mei MeiJenelle likes to carry Jermaine though sometimes she will push Mei Mei away.

♥ Friday, October 2, 2009
Flower TeaThis flower tea is very pretty and it also taste very nice!! The taste is light and pleasant. And its a joy to watch it slowly bloom before yr eyes!!

Jenelle's First Day In SchoolJenelle is the only student in the class today because this is a new school and they just started operating today. So she gets ALL the attention from the teachers. And surprisingly, she did not cry when my hubby brought her there. She seems to be enjoying herself. But her teacher told us, she cried a little after waking up from her afternoon nap. We were soooo relieved. Hopefully, she will continue to enjoy her school.

♥ Friday, September 25, 2009
Coconut TartsWent baking class with Pauline today. These coconut tarts are nice!! Will try out once of these days. We baked chocolate cake as well but I din manage to take photo.